Tu azul adictivo

Tu azul adictivo

Quiero ahogar en ti
en tu azul infinito
tu azul inalcanzable,
irresistible, inovlidable,

el azul que robó todas mis sinapsis,
se filtró en mis poros
tatuó su fuego en mis venas
con cada palabra, mirada, risa

el azul que se fue,
Se fue arrancando su fuego,
me dejó estremeciendo, jadeando,
soplando en cada leonito blanco

los deseos flotando en el vacío
perdidos, sin dirección, insensibles
cayendo hacia la tierra como nieve
desvaneciendo en las sombras

nunca alcanzando tu lengua
nunca germinando las memorias
en tu piel, tus sinapsis
en tus venas desinteresadas

tus venas que permanecen
intocadas por mi corazón
mi corazón que permanece adicto
adicto a un color que nunca sabía.


Update: 17 Sept 2020: If I could talk to the woman who wrote this on the first day of this needless drama and just say one thing to her it would be. You are loved, lovable, and deserve the fucking world of happiness. Don’t follow this landmine. She was so broken. She was so lost. She was so completely unable to see anything that resembled reality. I just want to hug her. Forgive her and you.

Translated and revised into English below

Your addictive blue

I want to drown in you
in your endless blue
in your unreachable,
irresistible, unforgettable

the blue that hypnotized every brain cell,
that seeped into every pore,
tattooed it’s fire in every vein
with only  quiet  lingery gazes,
awkward laughter, fumbled hi-fives,
            words.  .  .

the blue that suddenly left
that left ripping out it’s fire
that left me shivering, gasping,
searching, blowing on every little white

sending weightless wishes
lost, aimless, wafting
toward the soil like sickly snow,
dissolving in unseen

never reaching your tongue
never germinating memories
in your skin, your mind
in your oblivious and indifferent

those veins that remain untouched,
untouched by my fire, by my
words  .  .  .  by my veins,
veins that remains addicted,
addicted to a color, 
to your color,  to your blue they
            never          even          knew.

blue beach jen rynocean shores sept 09.JPG
Jennifer L. Miller

Healer | Artist | Photographer | Storyteller | Divine Eternal Being and so are you.


How can I call myself a woman?


My TA-50