Foundation Package
Life Activation
This Activation awakens your divine blueprint, heightens your connection with your Higher Self, while enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light in your physical body.
The Life Activation empowers you to maximize your potential, to bring forth unrevealed talents and abilities, and gives you more vitality and clarity.
The Life Activation will make working with the Sacred Geometries and Astral Travel much easier.
Sacred Geometry 1 Class
Learn how to create a temple of light for heightened protection and joy.
Creating a sacred space has become increasingly important, as the desire to have a safe space to work and play is part of the New Paradigm energy.
What are you doing in the spiritual world to keep out unwanted energy? This class hands-down ancient techniques for creating a sacred, gridded energy container so that you can build energy in your space at any time.
You will learn how to hold more Light while creating stronger space for your events, your clients, or for your home.
In Astral Travel we use the sacred geometries, so having these energies attuned in your aura will help you astral travel.
Astral Travel 1 Class
Come and learn the Art and Science of expanding one's consciousness to travel outside the physical body.
Astral Travel has been used for thousands of years as a way to gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding. When you master the ability to travel with your consciousness, all knowledge is accessible and only limited by your imagination.