Life Activation
This modality is an Activation, which isn’t technically a “healing.” The Life Activaiton awakens your divine blueprint, heightens your connection with your Higher Self, while enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light in your physical body. The Life Activation empowers you to maximize your potential, to bring forth unrevealed talents and abilities, and gives you more vitality and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), and clears family and genetic karmic patterns.
Keep scrolling to learn more.

In addition to the Life Activation itself, this session also includes several energy alignments to help you achieve a sense of peace and connection between your mind, body and spirit:
Crown Cap Removal
Central Core Balancing
16 Lotus Petal Awakening
Elemental and Magnetic Line Balancing
Chakra Balancing
Negative Crystal Removal
Brief Reading
Also includes a 1-month supply of Purificato and Crystalis – a vibrational elixir that will assist in the facilitation in the energy clearing that began with this session. It’s just purified water that is basically like Holy Water, but more complicated than that. More info available.
The Life Activation is about 60 minutes long, but we’ll want time to chat before and after so plan for 2 hours.
Energy Exchange is $250.
Trades. I do accept some trades on a case by case basis. Contact me and we’ll chat. $50 must be in cash to pay for the Purifacto and Crystalis.
If adding to a photography package: $200
Add a cord cutting for $100
Couple’s Life Activation Session
Everything is the same as above, only now there are two Life Activations in one session!
We do these sessions back-to-back.
We start by having a conversation as a group. Then I take the first person back into the healing room and we have our own conversation, then we do the Life Activation. We’ll all chat for a few minutes while I take a break, then we repeat the process with the 2nd person.
The option to do a tandem Life-Activation is possible by having a 2nd Life Activation Practitioner come in, but that may mean the discount isn’t as much since I can’t tell them what to charge. I’ve done a tandem session before, it was amazing!
Energy Exchange: $425 total.
Savings of $75. Normal price is $250 per person.