Introducing Myself
Full Leo Energy here! Image by Rinman Photography
It’s been a long time since I’ve done an intro, so let’s get into it!
My name is Jennifer Miller. I’m a Leo. I love long walks on the beach, bubble baths, and I all I want is world peace.
No, but seriously. Leo’s rule, I mean just look at me! The beach is my favorite place on earth, baths rock, and world peace is literally my mission. Just, I do all of that with a camera in my hand. Yes, I’ve taken pictures of myself and others in bathtubs…. I should probably reword that. Meh.
One of my biggest strengths is that I face fear head on and push through till I’m no longer scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to finally face something, but when I do, I go all in till I get to the other side that fear. If I stay too long in a comfort zone, I wither away. I have to push my boundaries, in a healthy manner, often, because I don’t handle stagnation well at all. Stagnation turns into depression.
Depression isn’t fun, y’all.
Stillness, healthy! Stagnation, definitely not.
One of my weaknesses that I’m currently working on, and finally gaining traction in, is putting everyone else’s needs, wants, and desires above my own. I so badly want to help everyone around me, specially those I love, like my kids, that I forgo what I need, want, and desire. That’s not the lesson I want to teach my kids. That’s not the legacy I want to leave. That bs isn’t happening anymore. You can’t give from an empty cup. You cannot give what you do not have. Fill your cup first. Put on your oxygen mask first. Insert whatever metaphor you like best.
Putting other people’s needs above your own is NOT love. It’s NOT devotion.
It’s a symptom of the larger problem of not loving yourself enough.
It’s a symptom of a lack of self-worth.
It’s a symptom of not believing that you’re an eternal divine being.
It’s so not a vibe.
Image by Rinman Photography
Which leads us to:
What am I passionate about?
Great question, I would love to tell you! (Elyse Meyers love!!! IYKYK)
EMPOWERMENT! Helping people remember their divinity through photography & energy work.
If you get nothing else from me ever in this life, get this and believe it in your core:
YOU are a divine eternal being.
You! Yes, you! Every human being on this planet. Even that one. Yes, even that awful person who did that awful thing(s). That guy, too. Her, too. Everyone, y’all. Say it out loud! “I am an eternal divine being!” Say it 100x a day if you need to to believe it, but say it!
Think about this. What do you think will happen to the quality of our society if all of us remember that one thing? If even 3% of the population remembers who they truly are? If people started waking up to their true higher self, what would our world start to look like? Even greater, what if more and more people don’t just start realizing that they are divine beings but they also remember everyone around them are divine beings, too! What does the world start to look like? Peace? Shamballah?
When we truly love ourselves, we treat ourselves better. As within so without. When we love ourselves we also treat others better.. When we approach life’s problems with love and compassion, the world gets better. It’s not easy, but it’s also not complicated.
Heal yourself, heal the world.
So this is my mission:
World peace.
This is my vehicle:
Photography, Life Activations, Ensofic Ray sessions, aura healings, Max Meditations classes, hopefully here soon teaching Empower Thyself, and so so so much more! Stay tuned, y’all!
If you have any questions, please contact me. I would love to talk!
If interested, “these are a few of my favorite things.”