Unfinished Poem Fragments

Our world
has always been
                at the intersection of Poverty
                               and No Fucks Given
                fault lines carved by White
                                and prayers run deep
                in the veins of our fragile
                                            Old Glory.

18 Sept 2017

Take A Knee

"People died for that flag!”
"Respect it with your blind militant patriotism and silence, you ungrateful son of a bitch!"

Wait... what flag? 

The flag that covers your shit
stained ass as you can swim
in a pee filled pool? The flag
your baby is wearing as a diaper cover...
oh look he just blew shit all over it...
that flag?

Tell me...

Do the tags on these "patriotic" outfits
say made in China or the Philippines? 

That flag themed
paper napkin you wipe
BBQ sauce off your face
with that rests in your lap
concealing your erection
caused by the maybe legal
woman in the stars and stripes
bikini bending over the
hot rod half made in a 
Cocktail of other countries,
Our sacred stripes riding
up her ass is absolutely
a show of red-blooded
patriotism! 'Merica!

26 Sept 2017

Jennifer L. Miller

Healer | Artist | Photographer | Storyteller | Divine Eternal Being and so are you.


Where 2 sets of tracks danced hidden


Victory’s Mine