Huge Shifts
Life has been WILD, y’all. I can’t even believe where I am at right now, wild.
and I FREAKING love it.
Like, WHAT?
Sunrise Walks are beautiful.
Let’s recap.
My son Olyver and I moved into our new apartment on 6 June. Almost 3 months ago. The first, like, 7 weeks were me figuring out how to live in a stationary space again. Getting used to anchors and roots. It was not an easy transition. I also had to grieve postponing VanLife. VanLife was hard, and I loved it. It had its perks and its drawbacks. Constantly living in an alert status is hard on the nervous system. Always wondering where I’m parking for the night, where I’m finding water, and dump spots, and making sure I’m safe while keeping “one eye open,” takes a toll you don’t even realize till you’re back in a stationary house. My couch was delivered on like the 9th and I sat down… for weeks. I slept. I rested. I allowed the roots to grow and anchor and gave my nervous system some time off. Sure, I unpacked and worked a bit, started doing Zumba and yoga, but for the most part, I just rested and grew roots, while grieving, while also being excited for this new chapter, and while being completely overwhelmed, in good ways and not-so-great ways, with all of it.
(I also distracted myself, heavily, with dating apps, which amounted to a whole lot of banging my head against a wall, and a lot of nothing, but we don’t need to talk about that part, haha… (the negative ego is tricky, man)).
(December Update: After rereading this paragraph just now, I have decided to clarify, I was frustrated with online dating on many levels. That paragraph suggests something sexual and I didn’t mean it like that haha!)
I started emerging from my wee hibernation just in time for Toronto. I spent two weeks there with the Modern Mystery School for August programs. Half of my time was a program called Warriors of Light. It’s hard, and wonderful, and it pushes you, and tests you, and expands you, and heals you, and finds and pushes your buttons, and and and. The other half was 2 classes: Hermetic Relationships and Know Thyself. Both were phenomenal and I can’t wait to audit them in the future. That was two weeks of some intense and wonderful energy.
Something during that program finally shifted in me. I have an idea on what it is, but I’m still figuring it out.
What I know for sure is:
I am finally ready to serve.
I am truly remembering who and what I am.
I am embracing the power, authority, and the responsibility that comes with it.
I am no longer fearful of my power, of making mistakes, or of people’s opinions.
I am making better decisions for myself, even on things I struggle with.
I am holding myself accountable with compassionate sternness.
Areas I couldn’t quite get traction in before are shifting with relative ease.
I can see what I need to do next, and am making plans to do so.
I finally feel like an adult and not a kid pretending to be one.
It’s only been 12 days since I got home, so I haven’t acted on everything in all areas yet, obviously, but I’ve already:
1. Shifted my sleep schedule. I’m a 530am, wake up and walk the neighborhood, person now. What? Who even am I?
2. I’m following through with projects I’ve started….. that’s huge. Someone pinch me.
3. I am making sure my needs are met.
4. Projects I’ve been blocked on starting… are being started, as I can. I’m also…
5. …not overloading my plate by doing it all at once. Or, I’m knowing and honoring my limits.
6. Knowing when to rest and allowing it and not feeling like a “failure.”
There’s more, but I’m finding some of it hard to put into exact words. I just have this.. knowing… that I’ve never had before. Like I’ve finally given myself permission to be who and what I truly am and I’m excited to see what it will look like moving forward.
The absolute, hands down, best decision I have ever made, was saying yes to this Path of Progression with the Modern Mystery School. I wouldn’t be within lightyears of where I am without it. It is but one path of progression on this earth, but it’s an amazing one. While it is welcoming and open to all, I understand that it’s not for everyone, so no pressure or judgement if you choose another way. Just know it’s there and it works. It’s not easy, and it works.
If you are interested: It all begins with a Life Activation, which shifted a lot in my life fairly quickly. If you’re ready to shift areas of your life you’re stuck in, let’s get you scheduled with me or with a Life Activation Practitioner near you, today.
If nothing else, know this:
I love you.
You’re worth it.
You are an divine eternal being.
You can create the life you really want,
you just have to believe you can, and be willing to do the work.
I know this because I’m living proof.
Kelly Aho, Me, and Seth Pearson at Warriors of Light 2023