A Renaming- A reemergence.
I went looking for some of my underwater images to share on Instagram to talk about which camera to upgrade to that will do well for underwater photography, but also portraits, and I found this image.
It’s entitled "Drowning Above Water." I barely remember this woman, and yet she is still me in many ways. I felt shattered then. Alone. A tiny part of me still wanted some way out of this world still, but I had pulled myself mostly out of that hole. Still found myself dangling my feet in from time to time, though.
Today, when I see this image I see a powerful Goddess focused on breath, flow, transmutation, and grounding - air, water, fire, and earth. Allowing worries to flow out as they flow in. Acknowledging where my thoughts are, but allowing those thoughts to float on by. I see a woman transmuting all the pain and trauma and shitty programming from the past into strength, love, compassion, and light.
I'm changing the name of this piece to, "Emerging Above Water." Like a collapsed volcano slowly recreating itself from deep within the womb of Mother Earth.