December Mood Board: Angelic Hosts
2021 has been a year of deep healing and an immense amount of Light. I struggled a bit from the end of November till the first couple weeks of December. 11 months of more healing and knowledge than I’ve had in a lifetime, mixed with the first winter in several years off of all medications, combined into an unexpected overwhelm that kept me a bit off for those few weeks. On the 16th of December, I remembered one of the tools I’ve learned, which is to share what brings you joy with others. One of my biggest joys is abstract photography, or experimental photography, at the intersection of sunlight and saltwater, specially at sunset. So, to pull myself out of this mild bout of overwhelm, I grabbed my camera and set out to Titlow park. I soaked in and breathed in Salish’s briny breath, I asked the Angels to bless the Salish Sea. I photographed Father Sky where he mixes with Mother Earth. I came home with more peace than I arrived at Titlow with. It worked wonders for my soul and I captured the essence of the Angels I’ve been working with all year.
I am so grateful for the path I’m on, for everything I’ve learned and will continue to learn. I’m grateful for everything I’ve healed and I can’t wait to see what healing and growth comes from 2022.