A New Year, & a Still Progressing Me

“New Year New You…?”

Sure, if that’s what you need. However, it might not be. There’s a lot of pressure in our society to begin anew each year. Restart, begin a new thing, revamp an old thing, etc. However, there’s something to be said for rededicating yourself to the journey you’re already on. We don’t necessarily need a new thing. Sometimes the New Year simply a good reminder to check in with your goals and see what needs tweaked, let go of, or changed out, but you don’t always need to restart. You’ll never get anywhere if every year you restart from the beginning.

Maybe a rededication to the goal is needed, that sounds great!
Maybe adding an additional layer to your goal could be beneficial. Go for it!
Maybe you do realize your goal isn’t your goal anymore and you do need to chuck it in the bin and start a new goal, that’s great too!

Click the image for more info on my coaching program to help you plan your progression!

Regardless of what YOU need in 2025, do something you’re willing to prioritize, to sacrifice for, to put in the time, energy, money, and effort into it. Do something you WANT to do. Do it for YOU. Otherwise, you’re very likely to jump ship and then feel like a failure.

You don’t have to start at the new year either. For us in the northern hemisphere, that’s winter. It’s now always easy to take a lot of action steps in winter. Maybe do the inner work now and start taking the big actions steps closer to spring. Meditate, journal, get guidance, think it out, plan it out and when you’re ready to put it all into action, you’ve got it all mapped out!

How do you know what you need to do?

My suggestion is to start with journaling.
Write out where you are, what you’re doing, why you’re doing it.
List it all. Everything on your plate these days. Work, clubs, gyms, housework, classes, social hours, networking, PTA, organizations, volunteering, scrolling on social media, creating art, watching tv, etc.

How necessary is each item? Do you love it? Does it need to go? Can it go? Do any changes or tweaks need to happen for it to stay? Do you have the power to make these changes? If so, are you willing to do the work? Really analyze where you’re spending your time and then make the necessary adjustments. Baby steps is all that is needed. Slow progress is still progress.

What is missing from your plate? Is there a hobby you’ve wanted to pick up? Like dance, karate, or piano lessons?
Have you been wanting to start hiking or start going to the gym? Improve your diet? Start cooking more and eating out less?
Have you been wanting to start healing your traumas, negative mindsets, and disempowering habits?
Does your home need work? Is there decluttering/organization that you’ve been meaning to tackle?
Do you want to start calling family members more, or visit them more?
Do you want a better job or higher education or to retire?

Pick the one or two most important things, to you, that you listed and make a plan and get to work on them.
Start small, but plan it out. Take small steps, but cross them off the list and reward yourself, and keep going till you’ve done it! If 2026 comes along and you have made progress, but haven’t arrived at your goal yet, don’t just stop and start something new, unless that is what is needed, just renew your dedication to your goal and JUST KEEP SWIMMING!

If we’re not progressing in something, we are stagnant and stagnation breeds apathy and depression, which leads to hopelessness and feeling like a failure. We can sit down and rest a moment here and there, but generally speaking, we need to be working on improving, healing, transmuting some aspect of our lives at all times. It’s not easy, but being depressed is not easy either, so choose the one that brings in joy, self-love, and better relationships.

In the end, if you keep working your goals, you’ll be a New You before 2026 anyway!

I have classes. healings, and activations that can drastically help you progress in life no matter your goals, so long as they’re of the Light, so if you’re serious about your goals, and you’re ready to GET IT DONE, let’s talk. Consultations are free.


Happy 2025, y’all!

Jennifer L. Miller

Healer | Artist | Photographer | Storyteller | Divine Eternal Being and so are you.


I Am 47 and a Half


Hello, 2025!