2021: Healing & Mindblowing Joy

Or is it: Healing & mindblowing AND joy? Who even knows? Ask me again in 3 months…

2021! Last Dec & Jan I changed all of my passwords to some form of positive affirmation about the year 2021 and it worked! That’s it, folks, that’s the whole trick. Just change your passwords to something you want and POOOOF! it will happen! My work here is done. You’re welcome! Go forth and do great and wonderful things!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! IF ONLY! That was one microscopic step in 8972983492834 steps I took in 2021 to make 2021: Healing and Mindblowing (maybe “and”) Joy. (I know mindblowing not one word. I don’t care. I do what I want.)

1-In January I flew to Reno and started the 10-month Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah program through the MMS (Modern Mystery School). Want to move literal mountains in your life? Sign up right now. Seriously, contact me and I’ll help you find a guide to help you.

2-I drove to and from Arizona on an amazing photography trip with amazing humans!

3-In April I flew to Sacramento / Winters, CA for the 2nd in-person class for the Kabbalah program.

4-In June I flew to Minneapolis, MO for Healer’s Academy and became a certified Life Activation Practitioner through the same school. Magickal!!! I loved it!

5-In July I flew to Reno again for the 3rd in-person class for the Kabbalah program.

6-In August I hosted MMS classes in my home, in Tacoma, that were taught by two amazing Guides, and while I didn’t teach, I learned and grew a lot.

7-In September I flew to Alaska to do photoshoots for a friend.

8-In October I flew back to Sacramento / Winters, CA to the 4th and final in-person class for the Kabbalah program and completed it. Phew! Two months later and it’s still moving and shifting negative patterns and programming. It’s truly amazing. Intense, but worth every bit of it.

9-After Kabbalah 4 I flew from CA, to Phoenix, AZ to hang out with my amazing friend and Guide, Kelly Aho and other amazing friends. Did some photoshoots and relaxed a lot.

10-In November I flew to Toronto, CA and took a week of classes and was initiated as a 1st step ritual master (novice) in the MMS. That one was amazing, and also not unlike a cheese grater. I don’t… I don’t even know, y’all. 1000% glad I went and I can’t wait for RM2… I just need a moment to adjust. It’s a huge thing, this Ritual Master path. It’s stretching and reshaping and transmuting and transforming me in many ways, so yeah haha.

11-Throughout all of that I attended several zoom study groups for Kabbalah, and classes and workshops taught by my Guide and 2 other guides helping us integrate all we learned in the original class I took back in 2019 called Empower Thyself (ET)(where all of this amazing healing and transformation began, well that and the Life Activation healing. Anyway.)

12-In November and December I’ve been integrating ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OFFFFFFFFFFF THAAAAAAAAAAT STUFFFFFFFFFFFFF and I have no idea how to talk about it yet!!! and I am a big ball of overwhelm and joy and confusion and love and frustration and light and and and and all the feels! I don’t even know haha ha ha… ha! No, I’m doing amazingly well, I just need some time to adjust to… all of this * motions to everything *.

That doesn’t even include “normal” life stuff and family and friends and relationships and work and such. It’s been a year, y’all, it’s been an amazing year.

I’m going to start doing vlogs or individual posts about each of these things and others. Stay tuned. I keep saying that, but for real. It’s all coming.

Photos from the year, nothing from my phone. That would take me hours and there would be another 1000 images here. This is family, art, and portraits of all kinds of people. I couldn’t add every client I had, but I added several. These aren’t all of my top photos of the year as I am still far behind on that task, but they are what I have so far. Still another hundred… thousand, IDK, at least that need shared… at LEAST!

Click on images to see the full version. Prints available in the store!


Jennifer L. Miller

Healer | Artist | Photographer | Storyteller | Divine Eternal Being and so are you.


“Find the Beauty or Create it Yourself”


New Joy! Prints available!