Spiritual Life Coaching Sessions
Sometimes we just need a fresh set of eyes on an issue we are facing. A new perspective. Fresh ideas we haven’t tried or thought of yet. Someone to be our accountability partner. Someone who will listen, but more importantly, help you redirect negative thoughts and patterns back towards the light.
Many times, we don’t need to keep processing old wounds; doing so over and over keeps that wound from truly healing, it keeps it in our aura where we carry it around letting it affect decisions we need to make. Get it out, speak it, but then take action to shift it, heal it, and let it go.
Spiritual Life Coaching helps you shift from being stuck in cycles of processing into pathways of forgiveness, letting go, moving forward, and taking back your power.
Unlock Your Potential
Compassionate Accountability.
Yes, we want to hold ourselves accountable, AND we need to do it from a place of love and compassion. That’s where I come in, to help keep your Compassionate Accountability train on the tracks!
I can’t give you all the answers, but I can help you uncover the answers you already have inside yourself.
There are healings that I highly suggest people receive that will highly accelerate how fast you’re able to heal and shift.
In the beginning of your coaching journey, I highly recommend the Life Activation. I will talk about it often. The Life Activation can do many things and it will unfold differently for everyone, but the main benefits that I’ve noticed in both myself and my clients are:
-Helps us shift the little things that we keep tripping on, enough light comes in and just starts clearing a path.
-Helps us start to course correct in bigger areas, we start letting go of things that doesn’t serve us. We begin saying yes to things that we truly need.
-Helps us enjoy the small things more and experience more joy.
-Helps us connect to our higher mind and our higher selves, empowering us to make better decisions.
-Reconnects us to our purpose or mission. The spark of fire inside of us that gets us up and moving and motivated.
There’s so much more the LA does for people. It’s not a requirement, but it’s HIGHLY recommended.
At least a month later, I will be recommending the Full Spirit activation and possibly things like Aura Healings and such. See my Healing Menu for all the healing options.
-Each session is 1-hour long.
-They can be held online via Zoom if distance is an issue, but when possible, I do highly recommend to meet in person at my center. Our healing center is incredibly calming and has a lot of comforting energy.
-We will discuss what you’re goals are, and we will map out a plan to get you there.
-Sometimes we know what we need to do but we can’t seem to do it, so uncovering the roots of that which keeps us from our highest potential is plan #1. We can make the perfect plan, but if you can’t follow through with it due to issues around fear, doubt, shame, lack of self-worth, etc.. the plan is useless.
-Processing isn’t actually action. Retelling and reliving all the stories, over and over again, is not a healing action. It’s just putting your nervous system back in it and keeping the would from truly healing. So shifting out of the endless processing cycle and into making an executable plan of true action is one of our main goals.
Everyone’s Coaching plan will be different. Everyone’s “homework” will be different, but there will be similarities and there are core concepts that I will be giving to everyone.
If you’re ready to book your consult and getting on the path towards your highest potential, let’s chat!
You can book as many sessions as you wish. If you book more than 6 or more you get a slightly discounted rate.
I would recommend at least 3 to start, but it’s up to you.
Individual Sessions: $100/hr.
If you book 6-10 sessions at once: $90/hour.
If you book 15+ sessions: $75/hour
-There is a free consult.
-At the consult you’ll decide how many sessions you want.
-We will schedule these sessions and you would pay via cash, Venmo, etc.
-Preferably these sessions will all be in-person at my center, but if you’re too far to drive, we can do them via Zoom.
-If you ever want to add sessions, you can.
-There are no refunds if you decide not to use up your sessions.