Sacred Geometry Healings
Sacred Geometry is the study of the language of the universe, and discovering how to activate these energies to raise the vibration within you and your space.
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Crystal Immersion Healing
Crystals are a wonderful gift from Mother Earth which help to facilitate our healing, growth and the discovery of our own gifts and abilities.
This ancient healing combines the power of sound and crystals to unblock and re-energize client-focused areas of need.
Areas of focus:
The Mind
Physical Body
Spatial perception
Relationship with time
Internal physical problems
Pure mind / thoughts
These are about 30-45 minutes long.
Energy Exchange is $150.
If adding to a photography package:$100
The Crystal Healing Rites
Gemstones and Crystals are powerful allies on our road to physical and emotional wellness.
This powerful session uses twin crystals and an ancient mantra directs energy at releasing negative thought patterns, and traumatic experiences, allowing for increased calm and peace within and to bring positive energy for the future.
This session is about 45 minutes long.
Energy Exchange is $150.
If adding to a photography package:$100
Intuitive Reading
The Intuitive Reading is a crystal reading technique where I will access the Akashic Records and connect to your Book of Life for clear guidance and information to empower you on your path. This is a question and answer style session. We use twin crystals, which grow from the same cluster, to provide a connection between us allowing me to connect to your Book of Life.
This reading lasts as long as you have questions, but usually no longer than 45 minutes.
Energy Exchange is $150.
If adding to a photography package:$100