MY August Mood Board 2

August. My birth month. My oldest’s first middle name. Named after his dad’s (my ex) first middle name. August has been one of my absolute favorite names/words my. whole. life. I feel like several people have maybe not ruined the name for me (not my kiddo), but made me feel like I couldn’t own it in my own way anymore, but I’ve decided to hell with that bs. This lioness is reclaiming one of her favorite words ever. Kind of a silly blog post that makes little sense to most, I suppose, but whatever. I’m in one of my moods. ;)

Still working on the photos from August so they will come along eventually. When my mood strikes. Ok, so I decided to add photos from Augusts past. It works.

Jennifer L. Miller

Healer | Artist | Photographer | Storyteller | Divine Eternal Being and so are you.

Dear Me


August Mood Board