Be the Broom
Most of us want to improve the world. Most of us want to make a positive difference in the lives around us.There are so many little things we can do that make big differences in the daily lives of those around us, which helps us make our own lives better as well.
Smiling at everyone you see. Saying hi to people near you. When I walk the halls of the VA hospital in town and I smile at those I pass, the amount of people who just light up is astounding. As a society, we’ve become so closed off and downtrodden that a random woman smiling at us causes us to literally stand taller and open up. I walk through the halls of any building, down any sidewalk, any hiking trail and I leave a path of happier people in my wake. I love it when I see others doing it too.
How many people’s stories have we heard where they were planning on ending their life when they got home but didn’t because someone smiled at them? A heartfelt smile can literally save lives. It’s easy. It’s powerful.
Say THANK YOU!!!! Y’all. This is so simple. It’s so easy. It’s so quick. Just say THANK YOU and MEAN IT! Someone holds a door open for you, regardless of gender, say THANK YOU! Someone lets you merge, wave THANK YOU. Someone does any tiny, medium, or large thing at all in your life, tell them THANK YOU. Even if it’s “their job” to do so. Just say THANK YOU. Watch your relationships FLOURISH by this one simple act of peppering HEARTFELT thank yous throughout your day. Your partner takes out the trash: “THANK YOU!” Your kid picks up their stuff, being asked to or not, “THANK YOU!” It’s SO EASY! The magick key to this is to MEAN IT. Get out of your own way and just say THANK YOU. Get over all the “I shouldn’t have to” bullshit and just say THANK YOU!
“Sweep” the Highway
“Sweep” the Highway
When we get onto a highway or a busy road during rush hour, or if there’s an accident ahead, or construction, a lot people tend to get crabby with the decisions of others. Even when we’re in a good mood before hitting traffic. Even little things that make no difference to anyone. It’s not even an inconvenience to anyone, not really, sometimes we just don’t like that someone merged last minute or got a little too close for our comfort, but nothing happened. Still we get cranky, we might honk, we might even say or yell something like “watch out!” or even name call. “You idiot!” However, how do any of these, and a million other, negative reactions help anything? What does it serve other than your need to be “right?”
How does it improve traffic? How does it improve your day? Your mood? Your stress level? Can it go back in time and change what that other driver did? Have you, honestly, never made bad or even questionable decisions while driving? Does some rando yelling behind you change your actions? Do you get cranky because someone called you out? Usually we do. How does all this compounding reactionary negative behavior change anything or make any of it better?
Are you an idiot when you make a mistake? Or are you just a human being doing their best in every moment and sometimes we just don’t hit the mark? If that guy is an idiot for making a mistake, then so are you. If you’re not an idiot for making a mistake neither is anyone else. We’re all just human.
Other people’s actions can be annoying, unsafe, inconvenient, uncomfortable, of course that’s true. However, we’re all that person at various times in our lives. We’re all annoying sometimes. We’re all inconvenient sometimes. We’re all unsafe at times. We all cause discomfort sometimes. 99% of the time we are all just trying to live life to the best of our current abilities and sometimes we all miss the mark. Give yourself some compassion. Give some to others. Take a breath. Relax.
Be the Broom.
So, what does all this have to do with being a broom?
As we drive down the road, walk through a grocery store, wait in line somewhere, etc., regardless of what is happening around us, we have a choice to make. Add to the negative cloud of the collective energy that exists everywhere, or sweep it away with positivity. What you feed grows. So feed joy.
Be the Broom
Maybe you like the idea of a snowplow better? Better yet, a bottle of hand sanitizer or a bunch of burning sage.
Whatever analogy you choose the idea is basically the same.
You can choose to be annoyed and rage and add to the negativity. OR. You can (SAFELY) jam out to your favorite tune in rush hour traffic. Listen to a comedian. You can literally just think of everything and everyone that brings you happiness and joy. You can, safely, smile and wave at people. You can sing your favorite song, or send out love to every driver. Whatever works for you, you can do that. As you do this, you’re not only helping dispel the negativity for all, but you’re helping yourself enjoy the time you’ll be in that situation. Focusing on joy in annoying or aggravating situations is as if you’re literally sweeping the dirt off the sidewalk, off the road, off floor, etc. Choose to NOT react to humans being humans, yourself included sometimes, and choose to be the change you wish to see in that moment.
Feel yourself getting dragged down by the energy of wherever you are? Say, “not today!” and then find a way to bring some joy to the place. Even if people can’t even see you do it, you’re still sweeping the sidewalk. You’re still dispersing the cloud of negativity you’re inside of.
This works regardless of where you’re at. In line at the grocery store. In a crowded event space. In the park. Hiking. The library. A concert. Your own house. Where you work. Apply this mindset everywhere you can. Be the flashlight in the dark. Be the lighthouse. Be the beacon. Be the broom.
Be the Light.
Find the joy or create it yourself.
- Jennifer Miller