5 Years as an Initiate
(On 28 July I wrote a shorter version of this for Facebook and I decided to expand it here.)
5 years ago today I became an initiate in an ancient and unbroken lineage called the Lineage of King Salomon.
The Accolade by E. Blair Leighton 1901
Today one of my clients/ friends became an initiate. 5 years to the day after I did. I'm so excited for her. I am filled with more joy than I can express! Her significant other, also my client, got initiated a month ago. Their lives as individuals and as a couple are going to soar! The Light that they are integrating will help them transmute so much. I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds in their lives. I just love them so much!
Empower Thyself is a 2-day class and initiation that blew my mind open and expanded my awareness in ways I never imagined possible.
The person I was in 2019 and the person I am today, in many profound ways, are 2 different people. Yet at my core I am still me. I'm more "me" than I've ever been. Cleared of a lot of the trauma response and coping strategies I used to need that no longer serve me, I can express as the real me on deeper levels than ever before. My base state of being is contentment and joy. Even when I’m “going through it” I can stay in a state of joy through most of it most of the time.
Before initiation I didn't want to be on this planet anymore. I was on 2-3 medications for mental health. I was miserable. I hated myself. I had no semblance of self-worth or self-love or confidence and very little joy. I thought myself unlovable and unworthy of love. Those that professed to love me I thought were either lying or delusional. I ended a marriage because there's no way he could actually love me. It must be for all the wrong reasons that he's with me. I literally put a perfectly healable marriage in the trash, y'all. A man who loved me was left completely bewildered and deeply hurt. I ended friendships. I unconsciously sabotaged most everything I tried to do because I didn't think I was worthy of any of it.
From about 2013-2019 I was in my own personal hell. In some areas it started years earlier but the claws of severe depression dug deeper and deeper after 2013.
In April of 2019 I received the Life Activation. For 18 months I didn't think it did anything for me, maybe just slight random improvements at best. However, after reviewing my journal entries from the few months before till a few months after the activation it was quite clear it had been working wonders in my life the whole time. I was just too blind to see it at the time. I had began making better decisions, started closing doors to things that weren't good for me. Started saying yes to things that were. I was making positive changes those first few months and I didn’t even see it.
In my journal entries I noticed an immediate had a change of voice. I went from whiny and complainy and the world is against me, to still mentioning my struggles, but offering possible solutions, as well. Some were arguably bad solutions, but at least I was trying to make some kind of change. That’s amazing in itself. The healing and changes were subtle at first and grew as the months went on. I wrote a few times that I noticed people’s reaction to me was changing. People were wanting to talk to me and smiling at me more and more. It wasn’t all negative entries all the time anymore. There were glimmers of hope in those first couple of months that simply were not there before. It all began within a week of the Life Activation.
Then on July 27th and 28th of 2019 I reluctantly attended Empower Thyself, became an initiate, and my whole world forever changed. I showed up to that class arms crossed and 100% skeptical. I left awestruck, and even though I still thought it all crazy, I knew that I was simply reminded of what was already somewhere deep within me. It was all new information, but yet it was all stuff I already knew and just forgotten.
The information you get. The tools you get. The energy healing and energy clearing you get. The alignments you get. Individually they are all game changers. All together and you become a freaking superhero. The power you get to really make changes and headway in your life, and so therefore in the lives of those around you, is astonishing. It was, by far, the single best decision I have ever made in my life.
In the initiation, which is a physical and spiritual event, your central core starts the process of expanding 10 times. Over time you flow 10x the light. Which is like 10 people all working together towards a goal. It doesn’t all come on at once, that would be such massively disrupting, but it over time you gain the ability to hold and flow 10x the Light. The exact timing is different for everyone, but by using the tools you help this expansion happen faster. You walk around as a literal beacon of light for yourself and eventually others. Imagine walking down the street and 10 people all smiling and saying hi. Imagine 10 people all working towards your goals in life. Imagine 10 people working together to heal and transmute all your baggage. It’s powerful.
The tools you get in ET (Empower Thyself) include ways of clearing your energy and the energy around you, tools to protect your energy and the energy of where you live or work. You receive tools to help call in help. Angels are the most untapped resource humans have. They are infinite. However, they cannot help without your consent. Free will is rule #1! In Empower Thyself you get an amazing direct access way of working with them and knowing more about them. I use this tool every single day and I know when I don’t do them. Angels are rad, y’all!
Initiation means to start something. It's the first step on an amazing path of progression. It helps you heal on levels no other thing I ever tried even came close to. Talk therapy with various counselors and psychologists helped, sure. Meds kept me afloat, yes. Initiation has me absolutely THRIVING with joy. I’ve been medication free since August of 2021. Just 2 years after Initiation. That’s huge.
This lineage is OLD, this isn't new age mumbo jumbo some random person "downloaded during a meditation.” It's OLD age and it WORKS. Every bit of it, every time, for everyone, period. Works faster for those who actually use the tools. Let's be real here. It will eventually help you shift here and there over time even if you do nothing, but if you want the healing to come sooner and be more evident in your life, you have to want it. You have to use the tools. You have to "go to the gym" if you want tangible results sooner than later, you know.
It's 2024 and I'm now a certified Life Activation Practitioner, a level 3 Ensofic Ray Reiki practitioner, Healer, Teacher, and a Ritual Master Level 2.5. Even on my lowest days, I am still higher than my highest days before initiation. Even with the world on fire, I can still hold joy as my base state of being most of the time. Even when I’m exhausted and I have a lot on my plate, I am still filled with gratitude and peace. Not because I just don't care about anything, or am not paying attention, but because I know that is the only way we fix it all. Being filled with so much love, gratitude, hope, peace, and joy and SHARING that with others. Showing the way for others. This is how we fix it. As within so without. I have hope, which means I can share hope. I have love, so I can share love. I have joy, so I can share joy. I have gratitude, so I can share gratitude. You cannot give what you do not have. If you have no hope you can’t share it with others. If your cup is full you can share from your overflow. If your cup is empty, you are giving anger, resentment, overwhelm, anxiety, stress, etc. How helpful is that long term? Who is being helped by that? How is that sustainable?
This is going to push some buttons, but I invite you to listen with the intent to understand. Allowing oneself to become depressed, anxious, and stressed out due to the state of the world doesn’t make one a “better” person. It doesn’t make you a worse person either, just to be clear. However, one doesn’t get a gold medals because “obviously I care more than you, look at my depression and anger.” One doesn’t get to claim any moral high ground over those who are still prioritizing joy and peace in their lives. Allowing oneself to get in this hellish state literally makes one less affective in creating lasting positive change in the world. You can only share what you have. If all you have is hopelessness, that is what you’re sharing. I don’t say this to judge or make anyone feel bad. I used to be there, so I totally get it! I say this to free you. YOU ARE ALLOWED JOY! Even though people are suffering all over the world, you are still allowed joy, self-love, self-worth, inner peace, happiness, friendship, fun, laughter, etc. It’s actually imperative to improving the world. Without it nothing can be healed. Free yourself of the mindset that you have to suffer too. That somehow your suffering is going to help others who are suffering. “Those people are suffering, so I need to suffer too.” That doesn’t even make sense. Who are you helping with this mindset? You can create more lasting positive change in the world the healthier you are mentally and spiritually. If you have no light to share, you are sharing darkness. Give yourself the gift of freedom and step out of that prison. You’re allowed to be happy.
It is a choice. A choice you can change right now. Take back control over your own emotional and mental state.
No matter how low I allow myself to become because of the state of the world, it will do NOTHING to fix the state of the world. Allowing the world to get me down serves only darkness and the negative intentions of others. Helping spread love, light, joy, healing, this is what is actually helping others. I invite you to stop giving power over your emotional state to other people and to situations. Want to make a tangible difference in the world? Embody it. Want a happier, kinder, healthier world? Be that. As within so without. Be kinder. To yourself and to others. Choose joy and light over suffering and darkness. Lead by example. Heal yourself and watch others follow suite. “Be the change you wish to see in the world." is by far one of the best pieces of advise ever given. EMBODY THE CHANGES YOU WISH TO SEE. Demanding that other people to fix everything, while you don’t, serves nothing and no one.
What is your sphere of influence? Where can you actually make positive, lasting change in the world? What can you directly affect in a positive manner? Figure it out and do that. Let the rest go. YOU are not responsible for fixing everything everywhere. It’s impossible. Give yourself a break. Free yourself and watch the world around you improve. It’s like a ripple in the water. Be the drop.
Anyway, back to initiation.
The last 5 years I've had to get really really real with myself. I've had to look in the mirror and accept responsibility for a lot of stuff I was blaming other people for. I had to compassionately hold myself accountable for all the ways I was harming myself. We can't be in reality while blaming the world for all of our problems. 8/10 times we do it to ourselves or we allow it. Holding myself compassionately accountable has made a massive difference in my life. No self-judging, self-hating, just accept where you are, acknowledge the reality of the situation and start making better choices. Baby steps is better than nothing.
My self-worth, self-love, confidence is better than ever and keeps getting better by the month. Giving myself the gift of allowing myself to be bad at something so I can eventually be good at it has brought in so much childlike wonder and joy. I’m painting DRAGONS! And birds and fae and wee goblins and so much more! I’m painting! What?!
I’m leading a large networking chapter after being in the group a very short time. I’m teaching classes, I’m serving others on amazing levels and watching my clients SOAR! I’m helping the world around me light up and THAT is my biggest joy. Creating lasting change in my community.
This lineage helps you see what you need to heal, what stops/blocks you, and gives you the tools do it in a way that is forever. No bandaids here. No quick fixes. I mean, it can actually be quick, but you still have to accept it and put in the work.
Often times we ask God or the universe to help us move a mountain in our lives and we wake up next to a shovel. This lineage gives you the shovel and a whole lot of Light to power that shovel.
Are you ready to move your mountain?
Sept 14/15th 2024 is the next Empower Thyself Class taught by Kelly Aho. The best guide in the whole universe. I may be biased, but I'm ok with that.
Contact me to book your spot in the class.