Empowering Others Through Spiritual Healing, Classes & Photography

Upcoming events

  • Full Moon Event


    At her fullness, the moon becomes a perfect reflector so that we can see ourselves without bias, drama, or our stories clouding the reflection.

    Join Kelly Aho, of Empowerful Life, each month as she leads us through deep and healing moon work through ceremony and ritual.

    Exchange for this event is $40. Covers all materials and a light meal.

  • Empower Thyself

    Oct 19th-20th | 10a-7p

    Taught by Kelly Aho
    You will learn about how your own energy systems works, how the Hierarchy of Light and heaven is structured, how to work with the Archangels and Angels to guide your life, as well as sacred tools such as rituals, meditations and prayer. Learn to work with energy to manifest the life you truly want to live!

  • Energy Booster

    Oct 30th | 6-730p

    Movement Workshop to boost your vitality. More info coming soon.

    Energy Exchange: $25

  • Sacred Geometry 1

    Nov 2nd | 10a-2p


    We highly recommend receiving the Life Activation first to aid your ability to use these geometries. Packages available.

    Energy Exchange: $150

  • Intro to Cellphone Photography

    Nov 4th | 6-8p

    Have you always wished you could take better photos of your kids, pets, landscapes, etc with your phone?

    I'm doing 4 in-person and online mini-classes followed by a full-day workshop starting Nov 4th.

    Exchange for this event is $20

  • Astral Travel 1

    Nov 2nd | 3p-7p

    Learn the art of traveling anywhere in the known Universe including your own Akashic Records & more!

    We highly recommend taking Sacred Geometry 1 first for easier traveling. It’s being taught 28 Sept. Packages available.

    Energy Exchange: $150

  • Develop Your Spiritual Senses

    Coming Soon

    These are the senses we experience the world through, sometimes referred to as psychic senses. They assist us with making sense out of information we are receiving from Spirit, the environment, and God.

    Energy Exchange: $50

  • Self-Worth Workshop


    This 4-week group workshop is designed to help you unblock your path to self-love/worth by shedding layers of shame, regret, guilt, lack mindset, victimhood, and more.

    For more info click the link below.

The Life Activation

This Activation awakens your divine blueprint, heightens your connection with your Higher Self, while enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light in your physical body. The Life Activation empowers you to maximize your potential, to bring forth unrevealed talents and abilities, and gives you more vitality and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), and clears family and genetic karmic patterns.

Full Spirit Activation

While the Life Activation amplifies your personal connection to your higher self, the FULL SPIRIT ACTIVATION takes that one step further to increase your connection to your soul. By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, you are switching on the “superhero system” that exists within everyone. This is the potential to perform miracles and the opportunity to optimize our own divinity.

This session fights apathy and stagnation allowing you to be in joy as your baseline mental state.

My Why

Why have I devoted my time and energy to the Lineage of King Salomon? Why have I become a healer, teacher, and Ritual Master?

Because it brought me out of my own personal hell and helped me live in more joy than I’ve ever experienced. Now I get to help others do the same.

Jennifer L. Miller. Empowerment Specialist. Certified Energy Healer, teacher, Life Activation practitioner. Empowerment Branding Photographer based in Phoenix, AZ.

After years of being on various medications for ADHD and depression, after years of therapy, I was still drowning in self-doubt, self-judgement, self-loathing, imposter syndrome, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of my own power, fear of life. I had few healthy coping skills. I couldn’t finish anything without a seriously unhealthy amount of stress. I didn’t think I was worthy of love on any level, I thought I was the worst parent, the worst wife, the worst friend, sister, daughter, human. I was ready to fall asleep and never wake up.

Then I met Kelly. A guide in this lineage. I thought this woman was completely crazy AND all I wanted was to be around her. She had this light about her. She still lights up every room she enters. I would joke that I wanted to lick her so I could catch whatever she had. She would just say, “eww!” in that adorable way she does.

One day I finally agreed to the Life Activation and then to Empower Thyself a few months later, quite reluctantly.

I really thought the whole thing was insane, but I wanted what she had and this was how she said she got it, so I took a chance. I showed up arms crossed, side-eyed, but I showed up.

It’s been 5 years since my Life Activation and Initiation. I have been off all medications for almost 3 years. and I AM THRIVING.

I truly love myself and my life. I know myself more deeply than ever. I’ve unpacked, healed, and released so much of my trauma and baggage. My lows are now higher than my highs ever were. Meaning, even when I’m going through it, I’m still in joy. My happiest days before this whole Modern Mystery School journey were still lower than my current lows. That’s huge in itself.

I’m still working through my financial independence blocks and my worthiness issues around my physical body still needs some work, AND I’m making huge strides.
I see all “mistakes” as learning opportunities and I don’t fear making mistakes much at all anymore. Failure is but a learning opportunity no matter how drastic the consequences are. The road to success is paved with learning opportunities. It’s how we succeed.

There will always be layers of stuff to work on, that’s life, but now I have the power, tools and knowledge to face it all with compassion, love, and even joy.

AND, now I have the power, tools, and knowledge to help YOU get there too and that is my WHY -

Service. Take what I’ve learned to help others reach their true potential. Help others find their joy.
Help others remember their divinity.

  • Jennifer L. Miller. Empowerment Specialist. Certified Energy Healer, teacher, Life Activation practitioner. Empowerment Branding Photographer based in Phoenix, AZ.

    Energy Healings

    Life Activation, Emotional Cord Cutting, Aura Healing, Ensofic Ray Reiki, & more…

  • Jennifer L. Miller. Empowerment Specialist. Certified Energy Healer, teacher, Life Activation practitioner. Empowerment Branding Photographer based in Phoenix, AZ.

    Empowerment Photography Sessions

    Photography combined with Energy Healing to help you reach higher levels of empowerment and healing.

  • Jennifer L. Miller. Empowerment Specialist. Certified Energy Healer, teacher, Life Activation practitioner. Empowerment Branding Photographer based in Phoenix, AZ.


    Photography is my first love. You can find abstracts, seascapes, landscapes, sunsets, floral, critters, animals & more!

Jennifer L. Miller. Empowerment Specialist. Certified Energy Healer, teacher, Life Activation practitioner. Empowerment Branding Photographer based in Phoenix, AZ.

Ensofic Ray Reiki

The Ensofic Ray is the highest, brightest & most powerful ray of energy and this is what is used in Ensofic Reiki.  It has the qualities of purity, clarity, & focused concentration. This ray has the power to clear & heal negative thoughts & patterns. It is the 1st ray of creation; it is pure, straight to the point & penetrates right to the core to activate the codes of divinity within you.

Jennifer L. Miller. Certified Healer, teacher, Life Activation practitioner. Empowerment Branding Photographer based in Phoenix, AZ.

Helping you heal what keeps you from excelling in life. Create better relationships with yourself and others. Gain clarity on your life's direction.

You are worthy of living the life you want - NOW

As within, so without.
Heal yourself, heal the world.

We all need to heal our own inner worlds so that the world around us can heal too.
It begins within. It begins with me. It begins with you.
Want to heal the world? Start with yourself and then show others the way.

Jennifer L. Miller. Empowerment Specialist. Certified Energy Healer, teacher, Life Activation practitioner. Empowerment Branding Photographer based in Phoenix, AZ.
Jennifer L. Miller. Empowerment Specialist. Certified Energy Healer, teacher, Life Activation practitioner. Empowerment Branding Photographer based in Phoenix, AZ.